Internationale Hanns Eisler Gesellschaft (IHEG) e.V.


60. Todestag von Hanns Eisler -retrospektiv

Anlässlich des 60. Todestages von Hanns Eisler am Dienstag, den 6.9.2022 luden die IHEG und die Hanns und Steffy Eisler Stiftung (HSES) zu einer Gedenkveranstaltung auf dem Dorotheenstädtischen Friedhof ein (Chausseestraße 126, 10115 Berlin). Dort befindet sich das Eisler-Ehrengrab.

Wir fangen ganz von vorn an

A film by Bettina Ehrhard for ZDF from 2020. From the advertising text: The zero hour struck in 1945 for music too: New sounds should make Germans better Germans, according to the Allied plan. But with the Cold War came ideological appropriation – on both sides. In the documentary, a little illuminated chapter of German-German […]

Karyn Levitt (Soprano) – Will There Still be Singing?

The New York Eisler interpreter Karyn Levitt (soprano) will perform together with the pianist Eric Ostling on Saturday, October 18, 2020 from 3 p.m. – 4.30 p.m. at MetropolitanZoom her Eisler program “Will There Still be Singing? A Hanns Eisler Cabaret. Brecht’s texts were translated into English by the well-known translator Eric Bentley. … more […]